Geneva Quantum Centre

The GQC brings together the expertise

of the University of Geneva

in the field of quantum physics


Highly interdisciplinary,


to applied



the foundations

for a quantum future


for tomorrow’s

quantum scientists

& engineers


Quantum Tech

is already changing

the world

The Year of Quantum Science // find out about all the activities

Quantum physics has transformed our view of the world and laid the foundations for the technologies that shape our everyday lives. To mark the United Nations’ International Year of Quantum Sciences and Technologies, the Geneva Quantum Centre (GQC) invites you to discover the quantum phenomena that surround us, and to explore current research and tomorrow’s innovations through a series of events.

News & Events // see all

2025 International Year of Quantum Science and Technology

2025 International Year of Quantum Science and Technology

The United Nations proclaimed 2025 the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology. This marks the 100 years since the initial development of quantum mechanics. At UNIGE, the GQC will celebrate this International Year with a series of initiatives to share and discuss the latest quantum developments.

Student Visits at the GQC

Student Visits at the GQC

The GQC is always happy to welcome the next generation of quantum scientists to our labs. Recently, we were visited by Kira and Leyla, high school students from Stowe School in the UK.

Education //

Providing excellent education at Bachelor, Master and Doctoral levels in Quantum Science and Technology constitutes one of the major motivations for the Geneva Quantum Centre (GQC).

At the Master level, the GQC will support interdisciplinary master programs, with curriculum that combine lectures in quantum information and communications, quantum materials and quantum computation. Members of the GQC contributing to this master programs span both theoretical and experimental aspects relevant for developing successful quantum technologies.

At the doctoral level, GQC will support courses given by international experts and schools, possibly co-organized with the Quantum centres at EPFL Lausanne and ETH Zurich. A long-term goal is to build stronger connections between these major institutions in Switzerland, both to trigger students exchange and interest, and to develop collaborations among research groups.

People //

Mikael Afzelius

Mikael Afzelius

Felix Baumberger

Felix Baumberger

Luigi Bonacina

Luigi Bonacina

Nicolas Brunner

Nicolas Brunner

Tiff Brydges

Tiff Brydges

Andrea Caviglia

Andrea Caviglia

Thierry Giamarchi

Thierry Giamarchi

Nicolas Gisin

Nicolas Gisin

Géraldine Haack

Géraldine Haack

Boris Korzh

Boris Korzh

Alexey Kuzmenko

Alexey Kuzmenko

Alberto Morpurgo

Alberto Morpurgo

Patrycja Paruch

Patrycja Paruch

Marti Perarnau-Llobet

Marti Perarnau-Llobet

Louk Rademaker

Louk Rademaker

Christoph Renner

Christoph Renner

Julian Sonner

Julian Sonner

Ajit Srivastava

Ajit Srivastava

Rob Thew

Rob Thew

Wolfgang Tittel

Wolfgang Tittel

Jean-Marc Triscone

Jean-Marc Triscone

Romain Vasseur

Fabian von Rohr

Fabian von Rohr

Mirjam Weilenmann

Mirjam Weilenmann

Jean-Pierre Wolf

Jean-Pierre Wolf